How We Select Tutor
All tutors have to meet extremely high standards to become part of the Anam Tutors team. We have a tutor support team that screens all applicants to make sure they have the right qualifications and the right attitude to be a successful tutor. Our rigorous processes are designed to make sure that the tutor you welcome into your home is one you can trust as well as the right match for you and your child.
When you select Anam Tutors, you know that your tutor will have had to pass our five stage selection process. Our process complies with the Safer Recruitment In Education requirements.
Tutors initially apply online and only 50% make it through this first stage selection. Our minimum requirements are higher than those required to become a teacher. We ask for a minimum of a 2.1 degree in the subject they wish to tutor for all secondary students and above, or that they have qualified teacher status (QTS).
Personal Interview
Our tutor support team interview all tutors to check both their credentials, their experience and their aptitude for tutoring. Education and academic criteria are important but so is the desire to really make a difference and an outlook that enjoys seeing children thrive and flourish.
Document Verification
We insist on seeing copies of all documentation including degree certificate, right to work and every tutor must have a valid Disclosure and certificate. We do not accept any tutor who cannot provide this evidence to support their application.
Reference Checking
We obtain written character and employment references before registering a tutor to work with us, making sure these references are from reliable and independent witnesses.
Private Tutor Training and Feedback
We are proud of our high standards and monitor the performance of individual tutors on every assignment they undertake on our behalf. We support them with tutor workshops and provide online training sessions to set standards and support their own professional development.